Friday, April 3, 2009

My apologies.....

You think you have things figured out. You state your opinions as thought they're facts and go on with your life. However, you soon come to realize that your opinions are just that; opinions, and you've made an ass out of yourself. The problem is it's usually after you've run your mouth that you realize you’ve done this. That's the trouble with being passionate. It's a great trait for someone aspiring for success, but it's an utter bane for a business owner who needs to remain diplomatic.

As a business owner, I know that diplomacy plays an imperative role in the pursuit of success. I guess my diplomacy skills are not as honed as I once believed. However, I am not afraid to make mistakes, nor am I afraid to face and learn from them. In my last post, I made some pretty coarse statements towards a certain company and some of its staff. These statements were undeserved, as well as unfounded. In this economy, we're all looking for an edge. Whatever it is that will take our success to the next level. This includes multi-billion corporations as well as "little distributors that could". My mistake was wearing my passion on my sleeve. What ever made me think that an emotional outburst or petty insults would be a solution, of any kind?

As 2009 builds up a head of steam and charges into a summer chock full of stimulus money and economic rehabilitation, it's important we don't allow ourselves to be overcome by the exasperation of maintaining our professional lives. We all want to be successful, provide for our families, and if possible, have a little fun doing it. I'm ok admitting when I'm wrong. Hell, it's what keeps me from sleeping on the couch most nights. The best I can hope for is that future business partners of AC Tool Supply will feel the same way.

Modestly Yours,

Christopher Mayes, President/CEO
AC Tool Supply, Inc.

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