Monday, July 14, 2008

Try to find Ideal PowerPlug disconnects anywhere else..... I dare ya.

As of July 14th, 2008, AC Tool Supply acquired the largest inventory of Ideal Industries PowerPlug Luminaire Disconnects in the nation.

Try to find them "IN STOCK" somewhere else. We dare you.

With the new ballast disconnect codes in effect this year, the hammers (code inspectors) are coming down hard. So for all those commercial lighting contractors out the wiring up luminaires with regular wire nuts, it's time to get with the program.

Ideal Industries has announced a 3 to 4 month backlog on these disconnects. They manufacture this item themselves and with the production lines running 24/7, they still can't keep up.

Long story short, if you need these PowerPlug disconnects today or two months from today, you need to get them now.

You'll find these disconnects and all Ideal wire termination supplies at AC Tool Supply, Inc.

AC Tool Supply, Inc.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

AC Tool Supply, Inc

This is the first official blog of AC Tool Supply, Inc. Let me start off by telling you a little about myself, our staff and our company.

My name is Christopher Mayes and I
am the President/Owner of the company. I am a native of Arizona and I am the father of 4 wonderful children.

Our Vice President is Jason Kaylor. I give Jason the credit for making our e-store the beautiful sight it is today.

As for the company, AC Tool Supply, Inc. (a.k.a. Aiken Colon Tool Supply, Inc.) began in downtown Tempe, AZ in 2005 with a small, but vigil sales force of two. After only 4 years, we are 30+ salesman strong and utilizing 7000 feet of commercial and warehouse space on the Tempe/Phoenix border.

Our most recent brain-child,, went live on May 30th of this year and is already making waves in electrical, telecom, and datacom eCommerce. In just 45 days, we've managed to far surpass our own expectations, as well as our manufacturer's reps.

AC Tool Supply, Inc. is a supplier of electrical, low voltage, datacom, telecom, & HVAC tools and supplies to the “end user”. We handle and fill orders from home owners to multi-million dollar corporations. We warehouse inventory as well as drop ship product from a multitude of reputable manufacturers including Ideal Industries, Inc., SafeWaze Corporation, and Fluke Corporation of North America.

We service the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska and Canada.
Here's a list of our latest promotions:

Ideal Industries Summer Giveaways

SafeWaze Fall Protection Company Logo Promotion

  • Purchase any 12 SafeWaze Harnesses and have Your Company Name & Logo printed on free.
If you have seen our website, heard of us, or would like to share your thoughts; please feel free. We appreciate anything you have to say.

...and please visit our friends at:

Thank you,

Chris Mayes
AC Tool Supply, Inc.
2211 S. 48th St. Suite E
Tempe, AZ 85282

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